Distribution conditions for the HOLE suite of programs

Distribution conditions for the HOLE suite of programs

Oliver Smart
(c) O.S. Smart 1995, all rights reserved

HOLE and ancillary programs are supplied with source code free to non-profit making organizations. This is on the understanding that they will not be passed on to any third party. If any one wants to use the program get them to contact me - this will help me keep a list of users to be informed about developments, bugs etc.. Also details of any modification/improvement made must be sent to me - so that everyone else can benefit (all rights to modified versions of any of the programs will remain with the author and Birkbeck College). It should be noted that the code and notes are at an early stage of development and therefore the responsibility for their use and correctness of results lies with the user rather than me or Birkbeck College. You may incorporate any of the routines supplied in software of your own provided: (a) I am notified and (b) the complete software is supplied free to any non-profit making organization.

If anyone else has access to the code/executables mounted in your space then it is your responsibility to ensure that they abide by these conditions.

You must reference any use made of HOLE in published work by citing:

O.S. Smart, J.M. Goodfellow and B.A. Wallace (1993)
The Pore Dimensions of Gramicidin A
Biophysical Journal 65:2455-2460.
And any relevant subsequent publications.

Formal notice

This documentation and software is an unpublished work containing confidential and proprietary information of Birkbeck College. Use, disclosure, reproduction and transfer of this work without the express written consent of Birkbeck College are prohibited. This notice must be attached to all copies or extracts of the software.

 Hole Doc. Index^